Monday, November 9, 2009

A Trip to another World

I was sitting heavily on my chair. I could only move my hand and fingers in order to write. It felt like if I was pulled down by an anchor, attached to my body. A strong pain was diffused all over my being. Suddenly, it went caliginous. I couldn't see anything anymore. The pencil, which I have been holding, dropped out of my fingers discretely. A sudden feeling of comfort spread through out my entire soul. I wish it could be sempiternal. I'm being reborn like a flower that blossoms every year. But, a strident voice could be heard from where I was. A cry of distress, I shall call it, and it's calling me. Everything seemed to be abruptly clear back again. My eyes, wide open, looked around seeking for the mysterious noise. My classmates were all giggling and my teacher sighed, letting me know how disappointed she was.

(I wrote this when I was very tired. If there's any mistakes or misuse of word, let me know.)


  1. J'espère que je peux t'écrire en français...
    J'aime beaucoup ce que tu écris parce que c'est une belle façon de décrire des moments qui pourraient paraître anodins mais traduissent une activité puissante du ceveau a traver l'imagination.

  2. À M.Pieli,
    Merci beaucoup! Mais j'ai encore beaucoup de travaux afin de m'améliorer. Je ne suis pas entièrement satisfaite à mon goût.
    Merci encore d'avoir commenter. :)

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