Saturday, October 31, 2009

When the sun doesn't rise..

DREAM? What is a dream?? Where does it come from? Let me see in the dictionary.. No exact definition, I see. Imaginary series of events in your mind while you're asleep. A vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie. no any other definitions suiting mine.
Dream /dri:m/ is: A desire, goal that you wish to accomplish but cannot be done.
This only makes it harder for me. What if you have all the motivations and that you're willing to do any sacrifices, but people keep getting on your way? Their voices, speeches, screams echoing in my head, Negative thoughts kept whispering in my ears each moment, keeping me away from my aspiration. Pression was floating into my veins, blocking the blood from passing on the other way to my aim. Time's rushing over my hand. Should I continue or not? If I keep crawling to my goal, high possibilities that it would sneak away. If only I could hold it unto my hand, freezing the time. Should I really let the passion escape out of my possession? It's dying, it's moving, it's gasping for air. Let it die or let it survive?


  1. omg i almost feel to same way :S each time when i want to reach my goals it always go away from me.. like there's a long way to go..i have to catch up

  2. To Wan Young
    It's nice to see that I'm not the only one. Not only I have to catch up but also I have to go through obstacles like family and school.

  3. well i hope you're doing fine in life.=D even me sometimes i have difficult with my family but i have to deal with it :s
